Are Massage Guns Any Good for Reducing Cellulite?

A woman using a massage gun on her calf muscle

There isn’t a woman alive who hasn’t worried about cellulite at some point. According to research, up to 90% of women will experience cellulite in their lifetime.

Fortunately, cellulite is generally harmless. For most women, it’s more a superficial problem than a serious health concern.

In saying that, we all want to look our best, and it’s normal to want to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

While there are many remedies on the market, massage guns are gaining traction as a cellulite treatment method.

Maybe you’ve even heard there's a connection between massage and cellulite.

A recent randomised study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science showed a link between percussion therapy (massage gun) and reducing the appearance of cellulite. Study participants noticed a visual improvement in cellulite on their thighs and the effects persisted for 24 weeks with continual use of a massage gun.

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about cellulite and how you can help reduce its appearance by using a massage gun.

So, what is cellulite exactly?

Close-up of cellulite on a woman's thighs

Cellulite is commonly found when fat cells push up against the connective tissue, causing skin dimpling and texture irregularities.

Eventually, fat accumulation pushes connective tissues, causing the skin to bulge unevenly. Mostly, you'll see this on your thighs, hips, and butt.

Some people have more lumpy and bumpy cells than others, which can be hereditary or caused by hormone fluctuations.

What causes cellulite?

Cellulite can be caused by several factors, such as:

1. Hormonal changes

Occurs when the connective tissues between fat cells become too weak to contain them, causing them to bulge out, especially during hormonal changes in women during pregnancy and menopause.

Women are more likely to develop cellulite around puberty when hormones fluctuate rapidly.

Hormones also play a role in the development of cellulite. You may be at higher risk for developing cellulite: diabetes, high blood pressure, and thyroid disease.

2. Aging

Our skin becomes less elastic as we age, making it easier for our cellulite to show. This also happens in teenage girls and in the latter stages of pregnancy.

3. Obesity

Cellulite is more likely to appear if your diet is high in fat and carbohydrates. However, if you have a well-balanced diet, it may help reduce cellulite.

4. Heredity

The leading cause is genes. Genetics determines the shape and texture of the skin, which can lead to cellulite. For example, a person with inherited thin skin may be more likely to develop cellulite than someone with thicker skin.

What are the different types of cellulite?

There are three types of cellulite according to severity, they include;

  1. Grade 1 or mild cellulite is easily seen on the skin and consists of 1-4 shallow skin depressions. There are five to nine moderate depressions on the surface. This is when the cellulite looks more like cottage cheese than smooth muscle tissue
  2. Moderate or Grade II cellulite has a cottage cheese appearance with 5-9 medium skin depressions.
  3. Grade III cellulite is often characterised by having more than ten skin depressions, some so deep they resemble those seen in a mattress.

How Do Massage Guns Treat Cellulite?

A women using the Blackroll Fascia Massage Gun to target cellulite

The effects of percussion therapy through the use of a massage gun to break up fat are substantial. But this treatment must be continuous, and supported with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

If you are looking for a  compact, high quality vibration gun, then the Blackroll Fascia Massage Gun is a fantastic choice and the best Theragun alternative for percussion massage.

Blackroll’s Fascia Massage Gun has a range of interchangeable heads so you can start to break up the fat cells, which can help reduce cellulite over time.

If you want to fast track your results, research shows that a 20-minute massage with a foam roller reduces the appearance of cellulite by an average of 14% (the results are even better for people who have 20 sessions).

Blackroll’s Fascia Massage Gun can penetrate deep into fascial layers, targeting pockets of fat. It can help reduce cellulite because it works to break down deposits of fatty acids from the superficial layer.

How else can I help get rid of my cellulite?

A woman holding an exfoliating brush to help reduce cellulite

Here are some more tips for using a massage gun for targeting cellulite:

  • Exfoliate with a scrub or loofah beforehand - this will eliminate dead cells from the top layer of skin and allow the cream to be fully absorbed into your tissue.
  • Hold the device on stubborn fat for up to a minute before moving to a different body part.
  • Limit the depth of the massage gun to avoid injury.
  • Once you've massaged, follow up by moisturising your skin with a quality cream.
  • Consistency is key, cellulite can re-emerge if you stop the massage.

Final thoughts on massage guns and cellulite

Cellulite is a common problem for many women; however, there are ways to combat it.

Massage guns use vibration technology to increase blood flow and lymphatic drainage in your skin, which may help reduce the appearance of cellulite. 

It’s important to note that percussion therapy is not a guaranteed long term solution. You need to keep using the massage gun on a regular basis to fight the appearance of cellulite.

You should consult your doctor before using any massage gun on your skin or any parts of your body, especially if you have sensitive skin or any pre-existing medical conditions.

Published on 29/11/2022

Last updated on 05/12/2022

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